ARTICLES IN SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS (The link on the reference will direct you to the
site of the corresponding abstract, from where it is possible to access to the whole electronic version if you have access to the corresponding
- Requena, T.; Miguel, : Garcés-Rimón, M.; Martínez-Cuesta, MC.; López-Fandiño, R.; Peláez, C.
Pepsin egg white hydrolysate modulates gut microbiota in Zucker obese rats.
Food & Function 242: 61-69. 2017.
Barroso, E.; Muñoz-González, I.; Jiménez, E.; Bartolomé, B.; Moreno-Arribas, MV.; Peláez, C.; Martínez-Cuesta, MC.; Requena, T.
Phylogenetic profile of gut microbiota in healthy adults after moderate intake of red wine.
Molecular Nutrition Food Research DOI: 10.1002/mnfr.201600620. 2017.
- Cueva C., Bartolomé B., Moreno-Arribas M.V., Bustos I., Requena T., González-Manzano S., Santos-Buelga C., Turrientes M.C., Del Campo R.
Susceptibility and tolerance of human gut culturable aerobic microbiota to wine polyphenols.
Microbial Drug Resistance. 21: 17-21. 2015
- Barroso, E., Cueva, C., Peláez, C., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C, Requena, T.
Development of human colonic microbiota in the computer-controlled dynamic SIMulator of the GastroIntestinal tract SIMGI.
LWT - Food Science Technology. 61: 283- 289. 2015
- Mohedano, M.L., García-Cayuela, T., Pérez-Ramos, A., Gaiser, R.A., Requena, T, López, P.
Construction and validation of a mCherry protein vector for promoter analysis in Lactobacillus acidophilus.
J Industrial Microbiology Biotechnology. 42: 247-253. 2015
- Sánchez-Patán, F., Barroso, E., van de Wiele, T., Jiménez-Girón, A., Martín-Alvarez, P. J., Moreno-Arribas, M.V., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C., Peláez, C., Requena, T., Bartolomé, B.
Comparative in vitro fermentations of cranberry and grape seed polyphenols with colonic microbiota.
Food Chemistry. 183: 273- 282. 2015
- Barroso, E., Martín V., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C, Peláez, C., Requena, T.
Stability of saliva microbiota during moderate consumption of red wine.
Archives Oral Biology. 60: 1763- 1768. 2015
- Gil-Rodríguez, A., Carrascosa, A.V, Requena, T.
Yeasts in foods and beverages: In vitro characterisation of probiotic traits.
LWT - Food Science Technology. 64: 1156- 1162. 2015
- Bohn, T.; McDougall, G.; Alegría, A.; Cilla, A.; Alminger, M.; Arrigoni, E.; Aura, A-M.; Brito, A.; El, S.; Karakaya, S.; Martínez-Cuesta, M. C.; Santos, C.
Mind the gap-deficits around our knowledge on aspects impacting bioavailability of phytochemicals and their metabolites
Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. 59: 1307- 1323. 2015
- Tabasco, R., Fernández de Palencia, P., Fontecha, J., Peláez, C., Requena, T.
Competition mechanisms of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria: Fermentative metabolism and colonization.
LWT - Food Science and Technology. 55: 680- 684. 2014.
- García-Cayuela, T., Korany, A.M., Bustos, I., Gómez de Cadiñanos, L.P., Requena, T., Peláez, C., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C.
Adhesion abilities of dairy Lactobacillus plantarum strains showing an aggregation phenotype.
Food Research International. 57: 44- 50. 2014.
- García-Cayuela, T., Díez-Municio, M., Herrero, M., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C., Peláez, C., Requena, T. Moreno, F.J.
Selective fermentation of potential prebiotic lactose-derived oligosaccharides by probiotic bacteria.
International Dairy Journal. 38: 11- 15. 2014.
- Alminger, M., Aura, A.-M., Bohn, T., Dufour, C., El, S.N., Gomes, A., Karakaya, S., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C., McDougall, G.J., Requena, T., Santos, C.N.
In Vitro Models for Studying Secondary Plant Metabolite Digestion and Bioaccessibility
Compr. Rev. Food Chemistry Food Safety. 13: 413- 436. 2014.
- Barroso, E., van de Wiele, T., Jiménez-Girón, A., Muñoz-González, I., Martín-Alvarez, P. J., Moreno-Arribas, M.V., Bartolomé, B., Peláez, C., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C, Requena, T.
Lactobacillus plantarum IFPL935 impacts colonic metabolism in a simulator of the human gut microbiota during feeding with red wine polyphenols.
Applied Microbiology Biotechnology. 98: 6805- 6815. 2014.
- García-Ruiz A., González de Llano D., Esteban-Fernández A., Requena, T., Bartolomé B., Moreno-Arribas M.V.
Assessment of probiotic properties in lactic acid bacteria isolated from wine.
Food Microbiology. 44: 220- 225. 2014.
- Villar-Tajadura M.A., Rodríguez-Alcalá L.M., Martín V., Gómez de Segura A., Rodríguez J.M., Requena, T., Fontecha J.
Production of conjugated linoleic and conjugated α-linolenic acid in a reconstituted skim milk-based medium by bifidobacterial strains isolated from human breast milk.
Biomedical Research International. 2014: Article ID: 725406. 2014.
- García-Ruiz, A., Requena, T., Peláez, C., Bartolomé, B., Moreno-Arribas, M.V., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C.
Antimicrobial activity of lacticin 3147 against oenological lactic acid bacteria. Combined effect with other antimicrobial agents.
Food Control, 32:477-483. 2013
- Gómez de Cadiñanos, L P. García-Cayuela, T., Yvon, M., Martinez-Cuesta, M.C., Peláez, C., Requena, T.
Inactivation of the panE Gene in Lactococcus lactis Enhances Formation of Cheese Aroma Compounds.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology. DOI:10.1128/AEM.00279-13
- Martínez-Cuesta, M.C., Requena, T., Pelaez, C.
Methionine metabolism: major pathways and enzymes involved and strategies for control and diversification of volatile sulphur compounds in cheese.
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 53:4, 366-385. 2013
- Rodríguez, J.M., Sobrino, O.J., Marcos, A., Collado, M.C., Pérez-Martínez, G., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C.,Peláez, C., Requena, T.
Is there a realtionship between gut microbiota, probiotics and body weight modulation?
Nutrición Hospitalaria. 28: 3-12. 2013
- Requena, T.,; Cotter, P.; Shahar, D.R.; Kleiveland, C.R.; Martínez-Cuesta, M.C.; Peláez, C.; Lea, T.
Interactions between gut microbiota, food and the obese host.
Trends in Food Science and Technology. Accepted. 2013
- Barroso, E., Sanchez-Patán, F., Martín Alvarez, P.J. Bartolomé, B., Moreno, M.V., Peláez,C., Requena, T. van de Wiele, T., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C.
Lactobacillus plantarum IFPL935 favors the initial metabolism of red wine polyphenols when added to a colonic microbiota.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. DOI: 10.1021/jf402816r. 2013
- García-Ruiz, A., Tabasco, R., Requena, T., Claisse O., Lonvaud-Funel A., Bartolomé, B., Moreno-Arribas, MV.
Genetic diversity of Oenococcus oeni isolated from wines treated with phenolixc extracts as antimicrobial agents.
Food Microbiology 36:267. 2013
- Bustos, I., García-Cayuela, T., Hernández-Ledesma, B., Peláez, C., Requena, T., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C.
Effect of flavan-3-ols on the adhesion of potential probiotic lactobacilli to intestinal cells.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 60: 9082-9088. 2012.
- Corzo-Martínez, M., Ávila, M., Moreno, F.J., Requena, T., Villamiel, M.
Effect of milk protein glycation and gastrointestinal digestion on the growth of bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria.
International Journal of Food Microbiology. 153: 420- 427, 2012
- Cueva, C., Mingo, S., Muñoz-González, I., Bustos, I., Requena, T., del Campo, R., Martín-Álvarez, P.J., Bartolomé, B., Moreno-Arribas, M.V.
Antibacterial activity of wine phenolic compounds and oenological extracts against potential respiratory pathogens.
Letters in Applied Microbiology. 54: 557- 563, 2012
- García-Cayuela, T., Gómez de Cadiñanos, L.P., Mohedano, M.L., Fernández de Palencia, P., Boden, D., Wells, J., Peláez, C., López, P., Requena, T.
Fluorescent protein vectors for promoter analysis in lactic acid bacteria and Escherichia coli.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 96: 171-181. 2012
- García-Cayuela, T., Gómez de Cadiñanos, L.P., Peláez, C., Requena, T.
Expression in Lactococcus lactis of functional genes related to amino acid catabolism and cheese aroma formation is influenced by branched chain amino acids.
International Journal of Food Microbiology. 159: 207-213. 2012.
- Jiménez, E., Villar-Tajadura, M.A., Marín, M., Fontecha, J., REQUENA, T., Arroyo, R., Fernández, L., Rodríguez, J.M.
Complete genome sequence of Bifidobacterium breve CECT 7263, a strain isolated from human milk.
Journal of Bacteriology. 194: 3762- 3763, 2012
- Sánchez-Patán, F., Tabasco, R., Monagas, M., Requena, T., Peláez, C., Moreno-Arribas, M. V., Bartolomé, B.
Capability of Lactobacillus plantarum IFPL935 to catabolize flavan-3-ol compounds and complex phenolic extracts.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 60: 7142-7151. 2012
- Tabasco, R., Velasco, M., Delgado-Iribarren, A., Guijarro, C., Valverde, J.F., Fontecha, J., Peláez, C., Requena, T.
Effects on intestinal microbiota of probiotic fermented milk used for prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea.
European Food Research and Technology.. 235: 1199-1206. 2012.
- Bustos, I., Martínez-Bartolomé, M.A., Achemchem, F., Peláez, C., Requena, T., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C.
Volatile sulphur compounds-forming abilities of lactic acid bacteria: C-S lyase activities.
International Journal of Food Microbiology 148: 121-127. 2011
- Cardelle-Cobas, A., Corzo, N., Olano, A., Peláez, C., Requena, T., Avila, M.
Galactooligosaccharides derived from lactose and lactulose: Influence of structure on Lactobacillus, Streptococcus and Bifidobacterium growth.
International Journal of Food Microbiology 149: 81-87. 2011
- Dupont, D., Bordoni, A., Brodkorb, A., Capozzi, F., Cirkovic Velickovic, T., Corredig, M., Cotter, P.D., De Noni, I., Gaudichon, C., Golding, M., Lea, T.,
Le Huërou-Luron, I., MacKie, A., Madsen, C., De Meulenaer, B., Nys, Y., Pihlanto, A., Recio, I., Rémond, D., Requena, T., Souchon, I., Swiatecka, D., Turgeon,
S., Vegarud, G., Vreeburg, R., Weitschies, W., Wickham, M.
An international network for improving health properties of food by sharing our knowledge on the digestive process.
Food Digestion 2: 23-25, 2011
- Tabasco, R., Sánchez-Patán, F., Monagas, M., Bartolomé, B., Moreno-Arribas, M.V., Peláez, C., Requena, T.
Effect of grape polyphenols on lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria growth: resistance and metabolism.
Food Microbiology 28: 1345-1352. 2011
- Cueva, C., Moreno-Arribas, M.V., Martín-Álvarez, P.J., Bills, G., Vicente, M.F., Basilio, A., Rivas, C.L., Requena, T., Rodríguez, J.M., Bartolomé, B.
Antimicrobial activity of phenolic acids against commensal, probiotic and pathogenic bacteria
(2010) Research in Microbiology, 161 (5), pp. 372-382.
DOI: 10.1016/j.resmic.2010.04.006
- Guarner, F., Requena, T., Marcos, A.
Consensus statements from the Workshop "Probiotics and Health: Scientific Evidence".
2010 Nutrición Hospitalaria 25, 700-704
- Martínez-Cuesta, M.C., Bengoechea, J., Bustos, I., Rodríguez, B., Requena, T., Peláez, C.
Control of late blowing in cheese by adding lacticin 3147-producing Lactococcus lactis IFPL 3593 to the starter
(2010) International Dairy Journal, 20 (1), pp. 18-24.
DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2009.07.005
- Nieto-Lozano, J.C., Reguera-Useros, J.I., Pelaez-Martinez, C., Sacristan-Perez-Minayo, G., Gutierrez-Fernandez, A.J.; de la Torre, AH.
The effect of the pediocin PA-1 produced by Pediococcus acidilactici against Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium perfringens in Spanish dry-fermented sausages and frankfurters.
Food Control 21: 679–685. 2010
- Requena, T., Monagas, M., Pozo-Bayón, M.A., Martín-Álvarez, P.J., Bartolomé, B., del Campo, R., Ávila, M., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C., Peláez, C., Moreno-Arribas, M.V.
Perspectives of the potential implications of wine polyphenols on human oral and gut microbiota
(2010) Trends in Food Science and Technology, 21 (7), pp. 332-344.
DOI: 10.1016/j.tifs.2010.04.004
- 2017
Carmen Peláez y Teresa Requena.
La microbiota intestinal. (The intestinal microbiota)
Collection: '¿Qué sabemos de?' Ed. CSIC and La Catarata. pp. 110. ISBN CSIC: 978-84-00-10176-3; ISBN La Catarata: 978-84-9097-284-7. 2017.
- 2016
García-Cayuela, T., Gómez de Cadiñanos, L.P., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C., Peláez, C., Requena, T.
Lactococos: especialistas en la fermentación láctea.(Lactococci: the dairy fermentative bacteria)
In: Bacterias Lácticas. pp. 56-68. (Eds. D. Dridier, V.M. Rivera), Alfaomega, México. ISBN 978-607-622-628-5. 2016.
Rodríguez Gómez, JM., Requena Rolanía, T.
Probióticos: conceptos generales y aspectos tecnológicos.(Probiotics: general and technological aspects)
In: Probióticos, prebióticos y salud. La evidencia científica, pp. 83-89. (Eds. G. Álvarez Calatayud, A. Marcos, A. Margolles), Ergon, Madrid, ISBN 978-84-16732-09-8. 2016.
De la Fuente del Rey, M., Requena Rolanía, T., Pérez Martínez, G.
Envejecimiento y microbiota. (Microbiota and ageing)
In: Probióticos, prebióticos y salud. La evidencia científica, pp. 183-189. (Eds. G. Álvarez Calatayud, A. Marcos, A. Margolles), Ergon, Madrid,. ISBN 978-84-16732-09-8. 2016.
- 2015
Barroso, E., Cueva, C., Peláez, C., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C., Requena, T.
The computer-controlled multicompartmental dynamic model of the gastrointestinal system SIMGI.
In: The Impact of Food Bio-Actives on Health. In Vitro and Ex Vivo Models, pp. 319-327. (Eds. K. Verhoeckx, P. Cotter, I. López-Expósito, C. Kleiveland, T. Lea, A. Mackie, T. Requena, H. Wichers), Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Suiza, ISBN 978-3-319-15791-7. Open Access: DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-16104-4_28. 2015.
Swiatecka, D., Requena, T.
In vitro fermentation models: General introduction.
In: The Impact of Food Bio-Actives on Health. In Vitro and Ex Vivo Models, pp. 275-279. (Eds. K. Verhoeckx, P. Cotter, I. López-Expósito, C. Kleiveland, T. Lea, A. Mackie, T. Requena, H. Wichers), Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Suiza, ISBN 978-3-319-15791-7. Open Access: DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-16104-4_28. 2015.
- 2014
Martínez-Cuesta, M.C., Peláez, C., Requena, T.
Efecto de los probióticos en la salud humana.(Effect of probiotics in human health)
In: Microbiología de Alimentos. pp 443-454 (Eds. I. Guerrero, B. E. García Almendárez, M. C. Wacher, C. Regalado)
Editorial Limusa S.A., México D.F., México. ISBN 978-607-05-0724-3. 2014
- 2013
Martínez-Cuesta, M.C., Bustos, I., García-Cayuela, T., Barroso, E., Peláez, C., Requena, T.
Interacción de polifenoles de la dieta con la microbiota y el epitelio intestinales.(Interaction of diet poliphenols -microbiota- intestinal epithelium)
II Jornada CYTED-IBEROFUN sobre Alimentación-Salud, Cuba. In: Ingredientes bioactivos y alimentos funcionales en Iberoamérica. Ed. J. Fontecha. E-book, ISBN: 978-84-15413-20-2. 2013.
Requena, T., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C., Barroso, E., García-Cayuela, T., Peláez, C.
Importancia de la microbiota intestinal en la obesidad.(Intestinal microbiota and obesity)
II Jornada CYTED-IBEROFUN sobre Alimentación-Salud, Cuba. In: Ingredientes bioactivos y alimentos funcionales en Iberoamérica. Ed. J. Fontecha. E-book,. ISBN: 978-84-15413-20-2. 2013.
García-Ruiz, A.; González de Llano, D.; García-Cayuela, T.; Requena, T.; Bartolomé, B.; Moreno-Arribas, M.V.
Potencial probiótico de las bacterias lácticas del vino.(Probiotic properties of wine lactic acid bacteria)
In: Nuevas Perspectivas en Investigación Vitivinícola. AMV Ediciones, ISBN: 978-84-96709-13-3. 2013.
- 2010
Requena, T., Tabasco, R., Monagas, M., Pozo-Bayón, M.A., Sánchez-Patán, F., Martín-Álvarez, P.J., Bartolomé, B., del Campo, R., Martínez-Cuesta, M.C., Peláez, C., Moreno-Arribas, M.V.
Polifenoles del vino y microbiota humana: modulación y metabolismo. In: Avances en la investigacion de la alimentacion funcional
pp. 75-81. (I Jornada CYTED-IBEROFUN sobre Alimentación-Salud, México; Ed. J. Fontecha), E-book, 2010. ISBN: 978-84-96023-89-5.